Dear friends,
As 2021 draws to a close, I cannot help but acknowledge the work so many Texans put into making water a priority this year. From extraordinary water professionals, to community action groups, corporate water stewards, and local leaders, Texas is fortunate to have water champions fighting to make us a little more resilient.
The word resilience carries particular resonance this year. Collectively, we endured a statewide disaster that exposed the fragility of our water infrastructure and inequities in water security. We navigated a legislative session, and several special sessions thereafter, in the midst of a global pandemic. We advocated for the allocation of recovery and infrastructure funds for water. And for the first time, we collectively acknowledged the fragility of our human infrastructure and the need to support our workforce. We have a long road ahead of us, but we believe we are in it together.
Texas Water Foundation is proud to have worked alongside a network of extraordinary water champions this year. Without them, we would not have gotten very far. We are especially proud of this:
Texas Runs on Water, the first statewide water campaign, officially launched and reached millions of Texans in Houston, the Panhandle, and the Texas Hill Country.
The 2021 Rainmaker of Year celebrated Brooke Paup, the first Chairwoman of Texas Water Development Board.
The first Texas water systems map, a water infrastructure funding database, and important issue briefs were published.
Texas Water Leaders graduated its 40th water leader.
Looking forward, we plan on continuing our work of making us a little more resilient by supporting water champions, equipping decision makers, and investing in the next generation of water leaders.
Thank you for your support, and wishing you all the best in the new year.
Sarah Rountree Schlessinger
CEO, Texas Water Foundation
Texas Water Foundation advocates for a sustainable water future by ensuring that Texas water policies are well-designed, well-considered, and effective in addressing water issues that meet the needs of Texans, the economy, and our environment. We work to advance strong, well-informed deliberations to produce better policies. This year, we did that through developing resources to support decision makers.
Published Water Infrastructure Funding database
Published the first Texas Water Systems Map
Published Issue Briefs on Resilience, Equity & Access, Conservation & Efficiency, Produced Water, and Water Grand Challenges.
Quoted on Winter Storm Uri here, here, and here, and coauthored an Op-Ed on making water a priority this session here.
Published a post session summary in the Texas Water Journal.
Texas Water Foundation is developing the first statewide water campaign with the objective of inspiring Texans to care about water. Our hope is to initiate a cultural movement, like the Don’t Mess with Texas anti-litter campaign, that inspires behavioral change needed to reach our statewide conservation goals. Unlike littering, however, water is context-specific, and a statewide campaign requires a flexible architecture.
With this in mind, Texas Runs on Water was created as an umbrella concept that has the ability to be localized in specific communities, regions, industries, and brands. This year, Texas Water Foundation launched the campaign in three pilot markets of the Panhandle, Houston, and Hill Country and achieved some remarkable goals.
Capturing data from our pre and post-campaign surveys, we have learned that our campaign is effectively reaching and resonating with communities across Texas.
Brand Awareness Growth
Pilot Market Impressions
Sen. Buster Brown
“Before you can lead others, you must first lead yourself”.
The Texas Water Leaders program was created in response to workforce forecasts, and in recognition of the increasingly challenging landscape inherited by the next generation of water leaders.
The curriculum includes training in subjects such as conflict resolution, inclusivity and equity, effective communication, and public speaking. It also includes individual professional coaching, a multidisciplinary overview of water policy in Texas, and access to an exclusive network of mentors. Watch the Texas Water Leaders promotional reel here.
We are proud to have graduated a second class and 40th Texas Water Leader in 2021. Thanks to our sponsors, we are also proud to have awarded 4 scholarships this year.
Every year, Texas Water Foundation recognizes an exceptional water leader who is making a lasting impact on Texas water at a Rainmaker Award Dinner. This year, we are proud to have recognized Texas Water Development Board Chairwoman Brooke Paup, and celebrated last year’s Rainmaker, Carole Baker.
Thanks to Texas Water Foundation board member Richard Linklater and Austin Film Society, we also host an annual film festival called Water, Texas. This year, we received submissions from various organizations on topics that spanned from Lake Caddo, to the Gulf of Mexico, and Winter Storm Uri. Check out the winners here.
We are grateful to our sponsors for their generous support of Texas Water Foundation in 2021. Their support makes everything we do possible.