The Texas Water Infrastructure Resource and Funding Guide is an online database to help Texas utilities, municipalities, and decision makers navigate the financial and asset management resources available for water infrastructure. The online database below is searchable by various parameters.

NameCommunity TypeAssistance TypeElgible EntitiesAgency/ OrganizationEligible ProjectsAsset Management RequiredAdditional StipulationsApplication Cycle
Agricultural Water Conservation Grant ruralgrantpolitical subdivision, nonprofitsTWDBagricultural water conservation projects, technical assistance, equipment cost-shares, demonstrations, research and development local match of 50% requiredannual
Agriculture Water Cpnservation Loansrural, individualloanpolitical subdivisions TWDBimprovements to irrigation instrasture at both the district and individual level10 year repayment termyear round
Border Environment Infrastructure Fund (BEIF)border communitiesgrantpolitical subdivisions NADB, funded by EPAdrinking water and wastewater infrastructure projects requires some planning and O&M plans in advance of funding for design/constructionproject must be within 100 km of US-Mexico Border
Clean Water State Revolving Fundrural, urban, border communities loan, loan forgivness in certain circumstancespoltical subdivisions, management agencies, public and private entities for nonpoint source and estuary management TWDBwastewater treatment facilities, collection systems, wastewater recycling and reuse, stormwater mitigaton, nonpoint soutce pollution control, estuary management, eligible green prohect reserve components, disaster recoveryyear round
Communities Unlimited Water and Wastewater Loan Fundruralloanlocal government, nonprofits, and tribal nationsCommunities Unlimitedimrpove drinking water and wastewater systemslow income communties with population below 20,000
Community Development Block Grant Program for Rural Texasruralgrantcities with population below 50,000 and counties with non-metropolitan population below 20,000Texas Department of Agriculturewater supply and wastewater infrastructure bienniually, spring deadline
Community Development Block Grants: Section 108 Loan Guarantee urbanloanpolitical subdivisions with CDBG entitlements or with state assistance in applicationUS Department of Housing and Urban Developmentwater and wastewater facilties, funding for projects needed for water infrastructure but not covered by other grants (i.e., road repair after pipe replacement)
Communties Unlimited Household Water Well System Loan Programrural, individualloanhomeowners in rural areas with population below 50,000Communties Unlimitedconstructing, replacing, or refurbishing a private wellincome must not exceed median income for the area
Drinking Water State Revolving Fundrural, urban, border communities loan, loan forgivness in certain circumstancescommunity water systems (public and private),nonprofit water supply systemsTWDBwater treatment facilities, distribution systems, upgrade water infrastructure, purchase additional capacity, green projects, flood resiliency, diaster recovery2% loan origination fee, EPA type environmental review, consistent with current state water planyear round
Economically Distressed Areas Program (EDAP)rural, urban, border communities loan and/or grant, typically a combination of bothpolitical subdivisions and nonprofit water supply corporations in communties without suffecient water or sewer services to meet minimum needsTWDBwater supply and wastewater collection/treatmentmedian income lower than 75% of the state median income
Emergency Community Water Assistance Grantsruralgrantpolitical subdivisions, nonprofits, and tribes who are preparing or recovering from an emergencyUSDArepairing breaks or leaks in water lines, construction of water source or treatment facilityrural area with a population below 10,000year round
FEMA Flood Mitigation Assistancerural, urban, border communities grantpolitical subdivisions with infrastructure insured by NFIPTWDB, funded by FEMAprojects that reduce the risk of flood damage to buildings insured by the National Flood Insurance Programapproved Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planlocal matching depends on proposed benefits, donated resources and services may be applied fall
Flood Control: Operational and Maintenance (O&M) Grant Programrural, urban, border communities grantSWCD and certain cosponsors of flood control damsTSSWCBO&M of flood control dams 10% of funding must come from a non-state source
Flood Infrastructure Fund (FIF)rural, urban, border communities loan, grantpolitical subdivisions TWDB, TGLO, and TDEMstructural, nonstructural, and nature based projects that reduce flooding risk/damage or repair damagebenefit/cost ratio analysis of projectapplication cycle begins in the spring
Groundwater Conservation District Loan Programrural, urban, border communities loannewly formed groundwater conservation districtTWDBinitial and startup costs for a groundwater conservation districtbudget and payback planningmeeting with TWDB to discuss terms of the loansyear round, due the first of the month before funding is desired
Individual Water & Wastewater Grantsborder communities, individualgranthouseholds in a ColoniaUSDAconnect service lines, pay utility hook-up fees, install plumbing and water fixturesevidence of ownership of dwelling, taxable income below poverty level
NADB Community Assistance Programborder communitiesloanpublic entities NADBwater, wastewater, and water conservation projects, can cover construction, equipment purchases, and project management project must be within100km of the US- Mexico border, 10% of total project cost must be contributed in cash
North American Development Bank Loansborder communitiesloanpublic and private entities within 100 km of the US-Mexico BorderNADBwater supply, treatment, and distribution; wastewater treatment & reuse; water conservation; flood controlcan only finance 85% of the project
Project Development Assistance Program (PDAP)border communitiesgrantpolitical subdivisions recieving a BEIF grantNADB/EPAassist BEIF grant projects with design, financial analysis, community participation, etc
Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programsrural, urban, border communities grantpolitical subdivisions, nonprofitsEDAplanning and construction of infrastructure, environmental studiesregions in economic distress are prioritized year round
Revolving Funds for Financing Water and Wastewater ProjectsruralloannonprofitsUSDAdevelop a revolving loan fund for rural water and wastewater projectsannually, summer deadline
Rural Decentralized Water Systems Grant Programruralgrantnonprofts and recognized tribesUSDAdevelop a revolving loan fund for rural water and wastewater projects10% of funds must come from another sourcerevolving fund must be for rural areas, tribal lands, or colonias
Rural Water Assistance Fund (RWAF)ruralloanrural political subdivisions TWDBplanning, designing, and construction of water infrastructure and water quality enhancement rural area with population below 10,000year round
Rural Water Loan Fund (NRWA)ruralloanpublic/nonprofit entities managing small water and wastewater utilities NRWAplanning, upgrades and replacement, energy effeciency improvements, disaster recovery; emergency loans are available budgets indiating ability to repay; audit report OR year-end financial statements
SEARCH - Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Householdsruralgrantrural, financially distress communtiesUSDApredevelopment studies, design, and technical assistance for water, wastewater, and stormwater projectsrural area with population below 2,500 and household median income below the poverty line or less than 80% of state non-metropolitan median household income
State Participation Program rural, urban, border communities loanpolitical subdivisions TWDB regional water and wastewater facilties where the local sponser cannot assume the dept for the optimally sized facility
State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT)rural, urban, border communities loanpolitical subdivisions and nonprofits that have project in the state water planTWDBprojects in the state water fund
Structural Repair Grant Programrural, urban, border communities grantSWCDTSSWCBrepair and upgrades to flood dam projects
Technical Assistance Program (TAP) border communitiesgrantpolitical subdivisions and utlities recieving funding from NADBNADBproject design, financial studies, operation and administration anaylsis, legal and regulator anaylsis
Texas Water Development Fundrural, urban, border communities loanpolitical subdividions, nonprofit water supply corporationsTWDBwater supply, wastewater, and flood control projectspre-application meeting
US-Mexico Border Water Infrastructure Grant Program border communitiesgrantcommunities within 100 km of the US-Mexico borderUSDAdevelopment, design, and construction of water infrastructure
Water & Waste Disposal Grants to Alleviate Health Risks on Tribal Lands and Coloniasborder communitiesgrantpolitical subdivisions, nonprofits, utlities, federally recognized tribesUSDAconstruction of basic drinking water and waste disposal systemspartnerships encouragedyear round
Water & Waste Disposal Loan & Grant Programruralloan or grantpolitical subdivisions, nonprofits, federally-recognized tribesUSDAaquisition, construction, or improvement of drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructurerural areas with population below 10,000, tribal lands in rural areas, colonias year round
Water & Waste Disposal Loan Guaranteesruralguaranteeslenders to rural water systemsUSDAconstructing or improving drinking water or wastewater facilities 1% guarantee fee
Water & Waste Disposal Predevelopment Planning Grantsruralgrantpolitical subdivisions, nonprofits, federally-recognized tribesUSDAassitance for completing an applications for USDA Rural Development Water and Waste Disposal
Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) Programloanpolitical subdivisions, partnerships, corporations, Clean Water and Drinking Water SRF programsEPAprojects eligible for Clean Water and Drinking Water SRFs, energy effeciency projects at water facilties, drought prevention, desalinationletter of intent required to be invited to apply, $20 million minimum for large communities and $5 million minimum for small communities funding availability announced on the Federal Register
WaterSMART Water and Energy Efficiency Grantsgrantirrigation and water districts, tribes, states, and other entities with water delivery authority Bureau of Reclamationprojects that conserve and use water more effeciently, increase the production of hydropower, mitigate risk of conflict over waterfocus on projects that can be completed within two or three years
WIIN Grant: Reduction in Lead Exposure Via Drinking Watergrantcommunity water systems and municipalities, non-transient non-community water systems (schools and hospitals),nonprofits servicing a public water systemEPAimproving corrosion control, replacing lead service lines, and replacing glavanized pipes; part can be used for follow-up monitoring and public education50% of the funding must come from another non-federal source (cash or in-kind contributions)