Erika Crespo

“The TWF Texas Water Leaders Program gave me the opportunity of a lifetime to learn more about Texas water laws, policy, finance, and management in a really fun and engaging way.  I got to sit at a collective table with attorneys, consultants, geoscientists, engineers, groundwater folks, surface water folks, drinking water folks, wastewater folks, and river authority reps.  We all found common-ground and developed camaraderie with each other as a part of this one-of-a-kind, phenomenal program.  We received trainings that inspired and encouraged us both as professionals and as people.  For me, the conflict styles and resolution training helped me be more intentional and courageous in my communication, and all of the lessons on public speaking forced me out of my comfort zone in a safe way.  The Texas Water Leaders Program stretched me and grew me in ways that I was immediately able to apply at work and in life.  I am so grateful for the opportunity to participate and for all of the new friends and comrades that I gained.  Many thanks to everyone who make this program possible, and I am excited to see how it grows in the years to come!”

— Erika Crespo, Assistant Deputy Director, Water Quality Division, TCEQ

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Beth Hood
Lisa Latson Benton

“The Texas Water Leaders Program (TWL) equipped me to better understand the unique challenges and opportunities that we face in the Texas water sector on a broader scale.  The class was dynamic, interactive, and perfectly paced. The skills taught in the program are universal, but with targeted intention and focus on Texas water. TWL has created an invaluable network of empowered and well-equipped leaders who are supporting the water needs of citizens and aquatic ecosystems throughout Texas. It is a true honor to be a graduate of this program.”

— Lisa Latson Benton, Supervisor, Water Quality Protection

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Beth Hood
Dacy Cameron

“I applied for the Texas Water Leaders program looking for business education and industry knowledge and left with not only that but also new friendships, inspiration, and a sense of purpose. I’ve found spiritual meaning in the work I do everyday thanks to the comradery of my first-class peers and the rich history imparted to me by some of Texas’s wisest storytellers. To the Texas Water Foundation: thank you for empowering this aspiring leader to think even bigger as I work with Texans to address new, varied challenges in the water sector.”

— Dacy Cameron, PE, Interim General Manager, Aqua Water Supply Corporation 

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Beth Hood
Nelun Fernando

“The Texas Water Leaders Program heightened my awareness of the key factors influencing dynamics in the Texas water sector. I recommend the program to anyone interested in truly understanding the factors affecting a leader’s success (in any sector). I also recommend the program to those seeking tools and strategies that allow one to keep motivated and find one’s own sphere of activism to lead the change needed to make the Texas water sector one that provides for all communities and is resilient to the roadblocks presented by climate change, political vagaries, and economic fluctuations.”

— Nelun Fernando, Texas Water Development Board, Manager, Water Availability

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Beth Hood
Omar Martinez

“The Texas Water Leaders program connected me with professionals located all over the state that work hard every day to help secure Texas' water future. I did not originally have an educational background in water. The Texas Water Leaders program helped me fill many of the knowledge gaps that are necessary to navigate the water industry. The Texas Water Leaders program focuses on comprehensive, authentic management and leadership issues. The curriculum is engaging and multimodal. I recommend the Texas Water Leaders program above other available training programs. As a Texas Water Leaders scholarship recipient, I am extremely grateful to the Texas Water Foundation and its partners in making their program available to me.”

— Omar Martinez, El Paso County Water Improvement District No.1, Grant Writer

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Beth Hood
Reem Zoun

“I am a graduate of the 2021 Texas Water Leader program. My day job entails delivering the first state flood plan for the state of Texas. While I was not sure what to expect going into the Texas water leader program, as a fan of good leadership programs and graduate of a few good ones, I have high expectations of leadership programs. The Texas Water Leader program met my expectation and beyond.

Starting from a quick but in-depth history lesson of Texas water law, meeting professionals and leaders in the Texas water space, the quick hands-on interactive lessons on finance and management, to the amazing lineup of the speakers, the program was excellent. The leaders and facilitators of the Texas Water Leader program were thoughtful in their approach to leave a lasting positive impact on the participants’ life, careers as well as on the future Texas water and flood spaces. I highly recommend it and happy to chat with anyone who may be interested in the next one.”

— Reem Zoun, Texas Water Development Board, Director, Flood Planning

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Beth Hood
Bryan McMath

“I cannot say enough about the Texas Water Leaders program – it was simply fantastic. From the professionalism of the Texas Water Foundation staff who oversee and organize the program, to the thoughtful materials and preparations that go into each meeting, to the expertise of the moderators who helped with the various components – everything about the program was impressive, rewarding, and beneficial. As this is a “leadership” program, my expectations were focused on professional development. But the Texas Water Leaders provides so much more. I grew personally, got to know a bunch of amazing people, learned about a variety of diverse aspects related to water, and (perhaps most of all) simply had a lot of fun. I would strongly encourage anyone interested to apply to the program. I’m certain you won’t regret it!”

— Bryan McMath, Texas Water Development Board, Director of Governmental Relations

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Beth Hood
Bobby Bazan

“When first applying to the Texas Water Leaders program I had an impression that we would be participating in leadership workshops to teach and hone skills that are crucial to being a LEADER. Upon completion of the course, my impression was realized and so much more with each class providing engaging conversation and discussion that proved to be beneficial and relevant to the issues we deal with at work and in life. The best part of the program however, is the relationships that are formed and grown with your classmates, cohort, mentors, coaches, and program coordinators. The Water World is filled with people that come from different backgrounds and job responsibilities. Texas Water Leaders brings this diversity together to create a network that share similar challenges and have common goals.”

— Bobby Bazan, Post Oak Savannah GCD, Water Resources Management Specialist

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Beth Hood
Jason Afinowicz

“Since the early days of our state’s history, the landscape of the Texas water industry has evolved into a rich fabric of perspectives that rival the complexity of water conversations the world over. This discussion will only become more complex in the future as we tackle the water needs of an ever-increasing numbers of Texans and our beloved natural environment. What the Texas Water Foundation has done is find a way to bring these voices together in a forum for open reflection and learning. Not only are the academic programs enriching, but the initiative benefits from the very nature of the wide cross-section of the industry it brings together. By assembling emerging experts across the water business to study and share experiences in leadership, management, policy, and conflict resolution, the Texas Water Leaders Program captures the changing face of Texas water and helps prepare the next generation of leaders that our state needs.”

— Jason Afinowicz, Freese and Nichols, Associate, Water Resources Planning Group Manager and Practice Leader

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Beth Hood
Jennifer Windscheffel

“Texas Water Leaders is a unique and comprehensive leadership program providing its graduates with leadership skills, personal growth, networking, and substantive knowledge of Texas water issues. I have completed leadership programs in the past, but this program was a stand out. The program strives to get at the heart of what makes a person a great leader and equips that person with the tools and skills to achieve that objective. As a bona fide “water nerd,” I would also add that the substantive focus on Texas water issues from many perspectives was both thought-provoking and thorough. Most importantly, I treasure the connections made with other water leaders in the program, as well as the invaluable connection to exceptional mentors from across the Texas water spectrum. Kudos to the Texas Water Foundation and its board and staff for making this program possible and a huge thank you to my employer, the San Antonio Water System, for providing me this opportunity!”

— Jennifer Windscheffel, San Antonio Water Systems, Corporate Counsel

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Beth Hood